
Refugiul Maidanezilor

Love, time, money - whatever you can share, it's welcome

The number of abandoned souls will always outnumber our resources. That's why any help is welcome - from a simple gentle word to the best news of all: that you want to take a puppy home.

Take one home

01. Adopt

Adopt a dog and secure your daily dose of joy! Dogs have always been man's best friend; they don't argue, don't lie, don't tease, don't demand explanations. They just wag their tails, glad you're going for a walk. (Or glad they fooled you into sharing your steak with them, even though that is not allowed. It happens.)

Get involved

02. Volunteer

We need you! Yes, to play with our protégés, but also for the many things to be done at the shelter.

Share some of your time, your strength, your goodness, your knowledge with the less fortunate. You will find that you leave with "batteries recharged" for the day-to-day battles you'll be facing.


03. Donate

Refugiul Maidanezilor is supported by donations. All the expenses of the shelter, from rent to caregivers, from utilities to food, from operations to treatments and vaccines, are possible only thanks to those who claimed how they could work so hard, emotionally and physically, of Mona Semeniuc.

Spread the word

04. Talk about us

Maybe there's a kid, somewhere, who wants a dog. Maybe there's an animal lover who gets bored on Saturday. Or maybe someone has a big sack of dog food taking up space in the closet.

A share can help them find out we exist!

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